Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Let's be REAL!!

Let's get real! As females, we have these expectations of what we should look like and a lot of us struggle with weight, body image and confidence.

And society does not help. Apparently Lady Gaga was ripped to shreds last night after her performance for the "belly" she showed! People were saying she's fat and should not have worn that outfit!

You know what I saw? I saw a confident, athletic woman who has overcome a lot in her life!

Social media, magazines and photos do not always tell the whole truth! Magazines are airbrushed, social media has filters, lighting helps too! Even the way you stand for photos matters!

Take these two photos - these were both taken within minutes of each other.  In the first one, I see a flat belly and all the hard work I have done, I was super proud and confident in myself.

In the second one, I see the extra skin that hangs down during planks, pushups, in squats. It's the first thing I see in a tight outfit. Do I get down on myself about it? No, it's a part of me.  

What that extra skin represents is the two babies I carried in my belly, the fun and balance in my life and all the hard work I have put in both physically and mentally to build confidence in myself.  

So even though it's hard as moms to see that extra skin, it'd be even harder to imagine what our life would be like without what it represents.  Wear it proudly.  You earned it!

We are all beautiful in our own way! We all have things we are hung up on! Be proud of who you are, where you are on your journey and be confident in yourself!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Your Time is NOW

So January didn't go quite as planned?

You didn't get those workouts in or get your eating under control or reach those goals, it's okay! 

It's never too late for a fresh start, especially at the beginning of a month! Let's start February with a new plan.

It's never too late. 

We all have our struggles.  We all face different issues each day, but it's how we react to them that is important.  

I choose to take care of me first! Why? Because it makes me better for everyone else in my life! And because I want to avoid so many of the health issues so many face -  obesity,  heart disease, diabetes, cancer, the list goes on. 

I know how life can change in the blink of an eye, so I do what I can to be a healthier me every day. 

I workout for at least 30 minutes 6 days a week, drink my daily vitamins in a super foods shake every day, and eat clean 80% of the time. 

And I share what I learn with those who are willing and ready. 

Are you ready? Are you ready for your new DAY ONE? 

Message me or comment below if you're ready to join me in my journey! 

Fitness + Nutrition + Peer Support = SUCCESS

My next online accountability group starts February 6th, are you ready to join me on a journey to a healthier you?